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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Contemporary Geniuses

Music is too vast to ever have a conclusive answer but the debate is worth each argumentative thought that comes to your mind .

I am strictly going to talk about musicians that have moved me in the last ten years or so . I know it is a limited time-frame but its one that has kept me going.

1) Let me begin with a band that has captured my imagination . When I first heard 'Karma Police', I was gripped by the song. I could not get enough . I heard it over and over again and the one thing that stood out was the voice . It was special , strange , soulful.
The RADIOHEAD sound is unique , unmatchable but THOM YORKE makes them click.
Thom Yorke is numero uno for me . What a man . He practically eats , sleeps ,walks,talks,shits,scrathes , bathes music . Yes, He looks bizarre , Yes , He is hostile towards certain fellow musicians , Yes, He's controversy's bitch , He's uneasy, rude , impolite but he is a genuis . Period. His lyrics are introspective , surreal , enthralling and at times , alienating. But they are so true to any an adolescent time when you are constantly looking for an answer in something,anything.

If you still do not agree that THOM YORKE is a genius , you Must youtube ''thom yorke plays 'the clock' and judge for yourself!

2) Chris Martin - Everyone has heard of him , Everyone revers him. How can you not ? The man is humble , can sing ( pun intended) , can play an instrument or two (guitar, piano , mandolin, clarinet, harmonica, bass, organ, glockenspiel) , writes breathtakingly brilliant lyrics , lyrics that range from being sad to being euphoric and videos that 'put a smile on your face ' . There is a subtle undertone to every video that is connected to the lyrics which is rare considering bands like they're videos to be labelled 'absurd, ambiguous' and when he is bored , he's singing to Gwyneth Paltrow( which I personally envy) . But Chris is quite blunt with what he is trying to portray with every song and the end of the song you can hear yourself saying 'What a song! '
Brit-rock is the future of alternative-music and COLDPLAY have just begun . Chris' song-writing is motivational , cheerful and realistic . Chris sounds equally good when he is live which is admirable. Chris is a huge RADIOHEAD fan which helps but their music's world apart . COLDPLAY's music is dominated by the piano whereas Radiohead's is dominated by Yorke's crooning!
Chris Martin does not intoxicate himself with the booze or the nicotine and hence the question, Where does he get his 'Spark' ?
The answer is fairly simple because he is the shit.

3) Norah Jones - Norah Jones is a breath of fresh air to music . She has the voice of an angel . Her music is relaxing , soothing , calming . Leaving the innumerable Grammy's aside , all the fame , adulation , hype is indisputable. Music is in her genes. She sings blues, jazz , folk and country effortlessly. Her voice encapsulates her music . Norah Jones is this decade's answer to Joan Baez.
Norah has , arguably, the greatest female voice in music .
Keep singing Norah , You are gifted and a blessing in disguise.

4) Jack Johnson - What would you call someone who surfs , is a famous musician , helps the environment and is a devout family-man .
The Answer - Jack Johnson.
Johnson has single-handedly revolutionised the soft-rock genre . His acoustic sound is so simple yet exceptional . Jack Johnson songs are pleasant melodies . They are poems . His music reminds me of Simon and Garfunkel for a strange reason. Maybe, it is because of the constant love themes , the strong political messages .
Jack Johnson loves his family and has always maintained that he would put them before work , fame and fortune . Who said Musicians do not make good role-models ?

5) Eminem - You would be lying to me if you said you loved music and never wanted to rap like eminem. His music exudes power. He wears his heart on his sleeve . His lyrics are morose, spiteful ,morbid , titillating and blunt yet honest.
He's a dedicated , respected rapper on both the coasts. His lyrics get under your skin and hit you hard . 'The Eminem Show ' has to be one of the greatest albums of all time !
Eminem still got it 11 years on . Eminem is an addict of sorts .
Personally , judge the man for his music and not his habits.

6) Eddie Vedder - The most recognizable voice in the industry . You cannot not ( use of double-negation, Aren't I cool? ) Love that voice .
As a teenager seeking love ,acceptance in this bad,bad world you tend to get attached to the 'grunge' scene . Kurt started it , Vedder gave it new meaning . Pearl Jam lyrics were rebellious , hateful , painful and Eddie sang them like he felt them within himself.
The Video for 'World-wide suicide' killed it .
Further proof of his genius is his solo career . 'Into the wild' album is plain orgasm and highlights the fact that he is at the peak of his powers . The future's just going to get 'Vedder' !

7) John Mayer - I was completely blown away when I first heard 'Your body is a wonderland' , the acoustic sound coupled with that Dave Matthews-like voice , Perfection. Ever since , I have closely followed John Mayer's rise to fame . What makes John Mayer special is that fact he is an awesome guitarist, too . 'Room for Squares' was his stepping-stone and since , he has been bigger,better whilst constantly battling personal anxiety issues . The reason I respect John Mayer and hold him in such high regard is for he has not fallen apart , deteriorated but excelled unlike a few other musicians whose personal demons have overwhelmed their career.
To sum it up , Mayer has nailed 'Free falling' , one of the greatest songs ever written and composed by Tom petty .

8) DJ Tiesto - This article would have been incomplete if I did not mention Tiesto. Tiesto is absolutely everywhere . Trance , house , call it what you like is slowly taking over the music scene . Its almost becoming the 'psychedelic' scene of the 21st century with Tiesto at the heart of it . Tiesto's music get you jumping , dancing , screaming at the same time. The effect is sensational , exhilarating.
Dj Tiesto is literally worshipped back in the netherlands .
Trance is here to stay , Tiesto is here to rule and we'd still be 'in search of sunrise '.

I would also like to mention a few others like Dave Matthews , Beth Gibbons , Iron and Wine , Skye Edwards , all brilliant but the above eclectic mix stands out .

Let the music play.

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